Welcome to Week 11: Self-Guided Learning

Everyone, everywhere participates in self-guided learning at some point in their lives.  A problem, question or issue may prompt curiosity, motivation or purpose for learning something new.  Self-guided learning research focuses primarily on the adult learning marketplace but elements are applicable to all ages and stages of education.  Self-guided learning takes place in formal, informal, non-formal and self-selected environments.  This week, the focus is on a self-guided exploration of self-guided learning.  Autonomy, mastery and purpose are built into the activities, events and tasks.  Take control!  Be responsible for your own learning experiences!  Reflect on your learning.  Enjoy the learning journey, alone and together!


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Allan, Danielle, Jody, Helen, Ronna and Todd now welcome you to the ETEC 522 Self-Guided Learning OER and look forward to learning with you!

Posted in: Week 11: Self-Guided Learning